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Bouquets from local florists
Choose a bouquet that does not have to travel a long way. The excellent local Fleurop florists will lovingly handcraft enchanting bouquets for you. Handmade and personally delivered since 1908.
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Flower guide: Amaryllis
With its large, intensenly coloured flowers, the Amaryllis brightens up dull winter days. As a pot plant and cut flower, it is particularly popular in the run-up to Christmas and Advent. Find out more about the genus and how to care for your amaryllis to ensure it blooms for a long time.
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Say it not with words, but with flowers. We give to each other flowers to show love or appreciation, to thank mothers, relatives, friends, co-workers or customers. Or even without a special occasion, just in between.
With Fleurop, this kind gesture is made especially easy for you: simply choose from our rich offering the bouquet that you like best. Order flowers online, by phone or at a local Fleurop partner – it’s uncomplicated and fast.
Our professional florists lovingly make the bouquets by hand and deliver them to the arranged address on the desired date, and ordering with Fleurop allows you to support the local retail trade!