Fleurop corporate culture
The Fleurop principle
For more than 100 years, Fleurop has been bringing happiness with flowers to people all over the world. In 1908, the Berlin florist Max Hübner had an ingenious idea: instead of sending flowers on a journey, why not place the order with a local florist - the Fleurop principle was born.

The Fleurop freshness guarantee
Only qualified, local florists are part of the Fleurop network. Each bouquet is lovingly hand-crafted by a trained florist and delivered personally. With the Fleurop Freshness Guarantee, we guarantee the impeccable freshness of the flowers and assure our customers that they will enjoy their arrangement for at least seven days.
The Fleurop product range
With Fleurop, everyone can find the perfect surprise for their loved ones. From a convenient flower subscription to an express flower order in just 100 minutes, from a customised arrangement with a virtual flower workshop to an emotional gift with a bouquet, we love to put a smile on people's faces with flowers. #everyonedeservesflowers
Worldwide flower deliveries
Today, around 50,000 Fleurop partner florists in 150 countries deliver more than 25 million flower arrangements every year. With more than 5,500 florists offering the Fleurop service, Germany has the densest international Fleurop network.
Sustainability in the flower market
As a global leader, we take responsibility for how and under what conditions flowers are produced. We play an active role in ensuring that flowers are grown in a fair and environmentally friendly way. This is why, in cooperation with our partner Omniflora, we offer Fleurop partner florists in Germany flowers from sustainable production at stable prices.
About Fleurop AG
Fleurop AG is an association of florists and is now a public limited company based in Berlin. The shareholders are exclusively the Fleurop partner florists in Germany.