Fleurop is socially committed - all charity campaigns
A bouquet that does good.
With a desire to give back to society, we launched our 'Charity Bouquet' on 15 April 2024.
With every Charity Bouquet sold, we support charitable organisations with €2.
€1 comes from our customers and €1 from us as Fleurop AG. Each quarter we support a different organisation.
As Fleurop AG, we understand the importance of social responsibility and are happy to fulfil it. Our commitment to charitable causes through the 'Charity Bouquet' is an expression of our desire to actively contribute to the well-being of society.
Find out below which organisations we have supported so far and how you can help:
Quarter One 2025 - German Welfare Federation
As the umbrella organisation for over 740 local animal welfare associations, the German Animal Welfare Federation is the largest animal protection network in Germany and Europe. With its numerous animal shelters and rescue centres, it offers protection and help to animals. The German Animal Welfare Association is involved in practical animal welfare work, advises animal shelters and works to improve the legal framework for animals. Through targeted public relations work, it raises public awareness of animal issues. The mission: 'To respect all animals as fellow creatures and to protect them from suffering, pain and fear.'.
You can find out more about the work of the German Animal Welfare Federation here: www.tierschutzbund.de/en
You can donate directly here: www.tierschutzbund.de/en/help/donate/donate-now
Quarter Four 2024 - Deutscher Kinderhospizverein e.V. (DKHV e.V.)
(engl.: German Association for Children's Hospice Care)
More than 50,000 young people in Germany have a disease from which they will die prematurely. Together with their families, they face major challenges: Their plans for the future are shattered by the diagnosis. Their life situation changes, everyday life has to be reorganised and the topics of ‘illness’, ‘dying’ and 'bereavement' occupy the whole family.
The Deutsche Kinderhospizverein (DKHV e.V.) has been there for these families for over 30 years! Founded in 1990 by affected families for affected families, the association is the origin of children's and young people's hospice work in Germany and accompanies children, adolescents and young adults with a life-shortening illness, their parents, relatives and siblings throughout Germany on their journey through life: from diagnosis, through life, to death and beyond.
In the last quarter of 2024, a total of 6,273 Charity Bouquets were ordered, bringing the total to €12,546.
You can find out more about the work of DKHV e.V. here: www.dkhv.de
You can donate directly here: www.dkhv.de/wie-sie-unterstuetzen-koennen/jetzt-spenden
Quarter Three 2024 - Tafel Deutschland e.V.
Voluntary, independent, united: this is how Germany's more than 970 Tafel work to combat food waste and poverty by distributing rescued food to around two million people every day. We have supported their mission: 'Saving food, helping people.' with our charity bouquet in the third quarter of 2024. Our charity bouquet was sold over 10,000 times and raised a total of €20,234.
You can find out more about the work of Tafel here: www.tafel.de/english-information
You can donate directly here: www.tafel.de/spenden/jetzt-spenden
Photo: © Z. Poloske, Fleurop AG
Quarter Two 2024 - Hopp Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ)
The Hopp Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ) is a leading institution dedicated to the research and treatment of childhood cancer. Through innovative research and advanced treatment methods, the KiTZ aims to increase survival rates and improve the quality of life of young patients.
We supported the KiTZ as part of your 'Give Flowers. Donate Hope.'. During the campaign period from April to June, a total of 27,095 charity bouquets were sold on Fleurop.de, raising almost €55,000 for the children's cancer center.
For more information about KiTZ, please visit: www.kitz-heidelberg.de/en
You can donate directly here: www.kitz-heidelberg.de/en/donation/donate-now
Photos: © M. Stark/KiTZ