Alstroemeria Care: Growing and Caring for Inkalily

Alstroemeria is one of the most popular cut flowers in the world. Their exceptional beauty and long shelf life make them a perfect choice for bouquets and floral arrangements. But what makes this flower so special? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about calla lilies and why no bouquet should be without them.
Origin and significance
The Inca lily originally comes from the Andes in South America, particularly Peru and Chile. This exotic flower was named after the Swedish botanist Claus von Alstroemer, who discovered it in the 18th century and brought it to Europe. In its native country, the incalilla is a symbol of friendship and devotion, which makes it a popular flower for gifts.
Properties of alkali lilies
The alkali lilies are characterised by their vibrant colours and unique flower shape. The petals are often decorated with contrasting spots and stripes, giving them a particularly exotic look. They are available in a variety of colours, including red, pink, yellow, orange and white. One of the special characteristics of the incas lily is its long shelf life as a cut flower. With the right care, they can stay fresh for up to two weeks.
Species diversity of alkali lilies
The genus Alstroemeria comprises around 50 to 60 species, which are characterised by their variety of colours and flower patterns. The best-known species include the Alstroemeria aurea, also known as the golden calla lily, which impresses with its bright yellow flowers, and the Alstroemeria psittacina, which catches the eye with its striking red-green flowers. Another popular species is the Alstroemeria ligtu, which flowers in a range of colours from pink to orange and purple-blue. Each of these species brings its own unique beauty and therefore offers a rich selection for flower lovers and florists. Hybridisation has also produced a large number of varieties that are characterised by their particular robustness and unusual colouring, making incalilias one of the most versatile flowers for gardens and flower arrangements.