The peony is one of our favourite flowers. But instead of simply arranging them prettily in a vase, in this guide we show you how you can skilfully stage the perfection of the flower in a minimalist way in your home using a wooden ring, a test tube and some natural thread.

Materials required:

  • Wooden ring
  • Natural thread
  • Scissors
  • Double-sided adhesive tape
  • Test tube
  • Peony of your choice
  • water
  • Hot glue gun

Instructions for the peony decoration - we'll show you how it's done:

Doppelseitiges Klebeband wird an ein Reagenzglas geklebt

Step 1: Attach the adhesive tape to the glass

First, cut a small piece of double-sided adhesive tape and stick it to the top of the test tube so that it can be attached to the thread later.

Mittig im Ring positioniert wird ein Reagenzglas mit einem Faden befestigt

Step 2: Position the test tube in the ring

For this step, it is best to get someone to help you and hold the whole thing. Position the glass in the centre of the ring so that it sits on the bottom of the ring frame. Then wrap the thread around the top of the test tube and around the ring at the same height. Repeat this step until the test tube is firmly seated in the frame.

Reagenzglas wird mit Heißkleber am Ring befestigt

Step 3: Attach the test tube

Attach the glass to the bottom of the frame with a little hot glue.

eine Schlaufe als Aufhänger für den Blumenring

Step 4: Attach the hanger

Now all you need is a hanger. You can simply use a piece of natural thread for this and attach it to the frame with a loop.

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That's it!

Now just add some water to the test tube, place the cut peony in it and your wall decoration is ready.

Author: Anne from Fleurop
Portrait von Anne von Fleurop

Social media trends and content creation are her thing. From time to time, however, she also finds herself in the world of decor and tries out different ideas.

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