Celebrate & decorate for Lonely Bouquet Day

On Sunday, 30 June 2024, the 12th Lonely Bouquet Day will take place! On this day, together with many other private individuals, we will distribute small bouquets with a nice message throughout Germany to give people a little unexpected joy. Originally, the idea came from the American Emily Avenson, who owns a flower-picking garden in Belgium: In 2013, she called for the first time in a video to "leave out" flowers in a jar in public places on the last Sunday in June - the "Lonely Bouquet Day". A tag attached to it encourages the surprised, lucky finder to take the arrangement home as a gift.
Would you like to be part of Lonely Bouquet Day and bring joy to others through small, encouraging gestures?
Make your own small bouquets - it's so easy:
- Tie small bouquets of your favourite flowers.
- Print out our little tags and attach them to your bouquets so that the finders know what the flowers are all about and that they can take them with them. Or be creative yourself and design your own tags - there are no limits to your creativity!
- Put the bouquets in a small container in a public place (preferably in the shade) and give someone a big surprise!
Simple, isn't it?
We also recommend that you wait a little while after the bouquets have been "set out" and see how the lucky finder reacts, because this could definitely make not only the finder's day, but yours too!
Do you like this action as much as we do? Then invite your friends to the action!