Christmas tree alternative made from birch branches & pine
It doesn't always have to be a classic Christmas tree! This alternative is at least as Christmassy and has another advantage: it's much lighter and won't needle your car.
Materials required:
- 6 birch branches
- cord
- Pine branches (you can get these from your local florist)
- Golden decorative wire
- Golden Christmas baubles
- Mini LED fairy lights
Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Build the basic structure from birch branches
Position the birch branches as desired and tie them together at the top using the cord.

Step 2: Arrange the pine branches
Then arrange individual pine branches between the birch boughs and clamp them between the birch boughs from below. This gives the previously attached fastening in step 1 more stability.

Step 3: Attach the Christmas baubles
Now wire the Christmas baubles with the golden decorative wire and attach them to the pine branches one by one.

That's it!
To make the DIY Christmas tree even more Christmassy, you can add a string of lights at the end if you like.
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