Decorating Champagne Bottles with Flowers
It doesn't always have to be a big gift - we are much happier with small tokens of appreciation. In this blog post, we'll show you how you can decorate a champagne bottle with flowers to add a special touch to a small gesture. Simply decorate a champagne bottle and say thank you.
Materials required:
- Champagne or wine bottle
- A test tube for flowers
- A large flower (we used a dahlia, for example)
- Coloured ribbon, preferably in the same colour as the flower
Instructions for the thank-you champagne bottle - we'll show you how it's done:

Step 1: Cut and care for the flower
First of all, choose the most beautiful flower you would like to decorate your champagne bottle with. Hold the flower against the bottle to estimate the perfect length. Cut the stem at an angle with a sharp knife and place the flower in a test tube filled with water.

Step 2: Decorate the bottle as a gift
Now all you have to do is attach the test tube to the champagne bottle using the coloured ribbon. Tip: It looks particularly beautiful if the ribbon matches the colour of the flower.

That's it!
And your "thank you champagne bottle" is ready! Of course, you can thank your loved ones not only with sparkling wine, but also with a nice high-quality wine, for example. Simply decorate the wine or champagne bottle with a pretty flower and you've conjured up a quick little gift. We hope you enjoy giving the gift!