14 February is the day of love. While happy couples are usually together on the streets, in cinemas and restaurants, giving each other flowers, singles often feel left out and alone on Valentine's Day, when acquaintances and friends understandably want to spend the day with their sweetheart. Here is a small toolbox with selected tips for singles on Valentine's Day:

pinker Blumenstrauß wird in einer Vase auf den Tisch gestellt

Create a pleasant atmosphere

Take care in advance to create a pleasant environment in which you feel comfortable. Think about whether you have a favourite place where you would like to spend the day or whether you would prefer to spend the day in your familiar surroundings at home.

If you decide in favour of your own four walls, create space for clear thoughts in advance by first tidying up your surroundings, sorting and removing dust. At the same time, think about whether the things that surround you make you happy and are really close to your heart. It can be very liberating to go through all of your belongings and scrutinise them. The "Konmari" method from tidying expert Marie Kondo can be used for this, for example. It says that every object in your environment should make you happy. To do this, pick up each item individually and examine it. All items that do not make you happy should be sorted out according to the method and passed on to someone else who would be happier with this item, for example.

Once you have done this, let a big breath of fresh air into your four walls and, if you like, order a colourful bouquet of flowers for a harmonious atmosphere in your home.

2 Händer umschließen eine mit Kaffee gefüllte Tasse

Take time for yourself

Self-care and mindfulness are no longer new words. Think consciously in advance about how you want to spend the day. What makes a perfect day for you? Plan a little in advance how you would like to spend it. For example, you could take a day off and have a "self-care" day. You can find a few ideas here:

  • Sleep in and start the day slowly with a cup of your favourite tea or coffee.

  • Take some time out and really switch off! Either switch your mobile phone off completely or set it to "do not disturb" mode to really relax for a day. Messages or notifications can certainly wait a day longer. However, be sure to inform your family and friends about your plans so that they don't worry. You can also customise your settings so that you can decide for yourself who can contact you that day.

  • Put on your favourite or feel-good outfit.

  • Make yourself your favourite breakfast.

  • Set up a pampering programme.

  • Take time to listen to yourself. What makes you happy? Reflect on what has made you happy in recent years and what you are grateful for. What is important to you in life? What gives you energy? Write down everything you are proud of and what great things you have already experienced.

  • Say "no" to things that make you unhappy. Are there things that are currently making you unhappy or causing stress in your life? Make a note of them and think about whether you can change these things in a positive way, what is necessary to do so, or whether you would be better off letting go of some baggage completely.

  • Write a bucket list in which you collect everything you would like to do in your life. Dreams and visions motivate us. Write down everything you can think of. Perhaps a travel destination, a hobby, people you would like to spend more time with - anything goes.

ein Buch ragt ins Bild und im Hintergrund steht ein pinker Blumenstrauß in einer Vase

Do things that make you happy

Schedule time for activities that bring you joy, such as a walk in the fresh air, a short yoga session or trying out a new recipe. Alternatively, you can also listen to an inspiring podcast or read an exciting book. Listen to your inner self and see what you feel like. Perhaps you haven't found the time to play a few pieces on the piano for a long time or have sadly neglected a favourite hobby? Make time for things that make you feel good and slow down your everyday life.

Maybe you've had a "to-do" on your list for ages that you just don't get round to doing, but which would give you a wonderful feeling if you realised it? Or maybe it would be nice to make a photo album of your last summer holiday and look through old photos.

Think about which people in your life are particularly important to you and write them down. See if you notice a friend on the list who you haven't contacted for a while. Perhaps you would like to give someone an unexpected treat or make a surprise phone call and tell them about your day?

eine Hand schreibt in ein Notizbuch und in der Ecke steht ein Blumenstrauß

Write down 5 things you like about yourself

This step does not mean that you should look at yourself externally to see what you particularly like about yourself. It's more about finding qualities that you like about yourself but that you may never have consciously recognised. Try to remember situations in which you thought your reaction was great, for example, or when you helped someone. An example could be that you always remember your colleagues' birthdays and are good at showing appreciation. Or perhaps you are a good listener?

Frau hält einen pinken Valentinstagsstrauß in einer Flower-Bag im Arm

Give yourself a present

Make yourself happy and give yourself something you've wanted to have or do for a long time. This could be a piece of furniture such as a coffee table that you've had your eye on for a long time, or a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Valentine's Day as a declaration of love to yourself.