Partner florists
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Our florists up close
There are many different faces behind Fleurop, making us what we are: a colourful family of flowers. The diversity of our more than 5,000 partners in Germany reflects the diversity of our bouquets. They all originally learned the same trade, but now practise it in different ways. From the German master florist to the cemetery gardener in the countryside to the star florist in the city: at Fleurop, every florist has the freedom to interpret the bouquets in their own way - and that is what makes us so special. Our bouquets do not come off the assembly line and are not sent in a box - quite the opposite! Each one is a work of art, created just for you or the recipient.

Honoured with 5 stars
When selecting our partners, we focus on a number of quality factors. Fleurop Stars is the first industry-wide quality label based on a certification programme. Just as stars are a sign of quality in the hotel industry, Fleurop Stars stand for the outstanding quality of a specialist florist. The assessment covers the categories 'merchandise', 'floristry', 'market presence' and 'Fleurop service' and was developed by Fleurop in cooperation with the German Florists' Association (FDF), the Federal Association of Retail Gardeners (BVE) and the Lower Saxony Horticultural Council. In each category, the florist can collect points based on clearly defined evaluation criteria, leading to an overall result. Depending on the number of points achieved, the tested shop is awarded up to five stars. With three, four and five stars, the florist receives a consumer-friendly seal of approval for the shop door, demonstrating the shop's quality to the outside world.

Which florist should deliver your floral greetings?
You can find the most important information about our partners at a glance using our florist search. As well as opening hours and contact details, you can find out which areas the florist specialises in. This makes it easy for you to decide who should deliver your flowers. Based on the recipient's address, you will be shown the florists closest to the recipient who can deliver your flowers. Use the descriptions or the Fleurop stars to choose the florist you like best. Then use this page to place your order directly with your favourite florist.
Try it right now!

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